Date: 4/16/11
Temperature: Mostly Cloudy, 59 degrees, 88% humidity, 8 mph winds
Official Time: 2:00:21 (9:11 pace) for 13.1
Garmin Time: 2:00:22 (9:09 pace) for 13.15
Place in Age Group: 18/70
Overall Place: 316/805
I usually write my race recaps in a GOOD, BAD and UGLY format, but not this time. Mainly because I am having a hard time seeing much other than the "ugly". Well, except our outfits. Those were definitely good.
I failed to execute because of me. It was 110% my fault. There is no other place to lay blame. I completely lacked focus. It's like I showed up to the start and forgot that I was, in fact, racing.
Don't believe me? Well, here's a list of my failures from Saturday.
- I forgot my pace band. Then, after going back to get it, I forgot it again in KC's car - which we weren't taking to the race.
- I forgot my ID at home. Thankfully, we didn't need it for packet pickup.
- I left my hand held water bottle at home. Inside the pocket of my hand held was my GU, meaning I also left my GUs at home. And there were none on the course. There was also no Powerade or Gatorade, just HEED, which I have never tried. And wasn't about to in the middle of a race.
- I got a cramp at mile 8 (we were still on pace for about a 1:53 at that point). I sent KC on (she ran a 1:54) and I tried to shake it off. Instead, I shook off my motivation and drive.
- At mile 10, I walked through a water stop and when I started running again, my lower leg seized and I couldn't flex my foot. My thought was not how to push through, but rather, "I should probably just DNF right now." My focus was gone.
- I lost one of my Yurbuds mid-race. This did not at all affect my performance, but it did frustrate the heck out of me.
- When I got back to the car to get changed, I realized that I had failed to bring underwear, socks, shoes and certain feminine hygiene products - all which I needed post-race.
- Back at home, I washed my race clothes with food in the pockets, proving that my lack of focus was not exclusive to the race.
I am sorry you had a disappointing race and just sounds like a bummer of a day all the way around. Sounds like your head just wasn't together all day. I had an annoying run yesterday and couldn't shake it all day so I feel ya!
The best part is though is that there is ALWAYS another race :)
I am so sorry that you had a disappointing race...way to tough it out when you could have easily stopped! You learned a great deal about yourself and def' have a plan for future races...sometimes we have to have these types of experiences...To me you still did amazing...Way to go!!!
You need to give yourself a break . . . you kept running when you coud have stopped. Must have been planet alignment - or something. Sometimes things happen.
Shake it off and don't dwell on it. There is always another race. And I bet you won't be unprepared.
...hey, at least you had your shoes....
Ugh. I've had days like that. It's amazing what stress can do to your ability to be organized. Sorry you had a crappy day, but good for you for pushing forward anyways.
Hope some of the stress in your life settles down soon. {{HUGS}}
ugh! that sounds terrible. I'm glad you finished, but it stinks that the day was so crumby.
That is a way awesome time-- all that other junk would stress anyone out. I hate when things go wrong b/c my mind is somewhere else!
This is so unlike you. Sorry that it was defeating... On the upside, when us your next half challenge?
Aw jeez, so frustrating to have stuff like that throw off your race. Remember that it's all a learning experience! I can guarantee you won't show up to a race like that again!
Oh my goodness. That is so frustrating! I am very much like you - always very prepared. Lacking in that gives such a bad feeling...especially when things have been forgotten that will and do affect performance.
I think each and every run teaches us something - mistakes made, how fun it is to run with friends, whatever. And this one is just another one that taught you a lot. I do have to do say - 2hr half with all of that going against you? Pretty fab. You are a strong runner and strong woman. Next time, it is yours!
Maybe you just expected too much of yourself? I know you are totally capable of a sub 1:55 and even a sub 1:50 but maybe you should freaked yourself out? Regardless, you'll get it next time.
have been there and done that. I am feeling everything that you wrote. my next race was awesome and I know you and your next race will be awesome. STRESS stinks:(
So sorry to hear all the sucky things that happened!
so sorry it was such a disappointing day! all that does seem totally out of character. you kept a great attitude despite all that, for sure! i enjoyed your company!
It definitely doesn't sound like you to be unfocused, BUT, we are all entitled to a bad day once and awhile. I have no doubt you will just be that much more on your game next race. Don't beat yourself up about it... you still had a great time! :)
Good Lord, woman! lol I'm sorry to laugh, but MAN!
I have more days like that than I care to admit.
dude, that is rough. Love your blog though.
Watch this video, it is pretty good, always makes me feel better.
Just one thing after another, hey? Sorry the race didn't go well for you. If nothing else, you did learn a lot from it.
You looked great though!
so sorry to hear all that stuff that happen to you. That is enough to fustrate someone. I would of totally called it quits. So Congrats on your finish. Next time you will be obsessed about making sure you have everything. You just have to chalk it up and move on to the next race.
Sorry you had such a series of craziness going on yesterday. Really, that sucks big time. Maybe create a little laminated checklist for your next race? You'll probably never need it again, but it might help you feel more prepared so you don't worry & stress for your next race.
Hopefully your next race will be better. Sorry it was such an off day.
Stress can be an evil little monster. Shake it off and get it next time you KNOW you have it in you! So sorry to hear it, I know it is a bummer... Next time the PR is yours!
I can really "feel" that frustration coming through your post.
(because you didn't write it I will)
The Good:
You looked awesome.
No clothing malfunctions.
Ran with great friends.
Faced challenges and over came them.
You.did.not.quit! (Everyone thinks about it. It's the determined runner that chooses to not give up. The real definition of winning!)
Wow - this is the first time I've ever seen you write anything negative about yourself on your blog - in a way it's good to know that you are human! We ALL have bad days. It'll just make the next success all the sweeter.
Sometimes just finishing is a victory in itself. Sounds like you had a tough race. Heaven knows we've all been there. But they're usually the races you learn most from. Well done on finishing regardless.
I feel ya... all the build up and then the let down. I;ve definitely had one of those days. Sorry you had a bad day (but still an amazing time)... but glad you posted this because I think it's really important for new runners to see that you can have excellent training, and sometimes, race day just isn't what you intended. Get 'em next time!
Yuck. Sorry you had such a hard time on Saturday. In a day or two, look at the bright side and learn from your mistakes. But for now it's okay to kick the cat ;)
Oh sweet babe, I am so sorry that this race wasn't what you wanted. stress can really mess with everything, can't it? double ugh. i hope things calm down soon so you can jump back out there and kill it.
Despite the bad day you had a pretty good run would say. Running through all of that and you are now that much more of a strong runner! Now leave this race behind you and move on to the next one :)
This is one of those races that you just need to put behind you now that you've identified what went wrong. The best part is that it's all fixable. Take the time to do what you need to do and come back re-focused for the next one!
Ugh - I've been there. Put that darn race behind you and move forward. You know you made mistakes, you recognize them, and they won't happen again! :)
That totally sucks. Unfortunately, all that crap happens. I'm sure the next one will be better.
Sorry about all the stress and the mix ups it caused. Sounds like you have a lot on your mind.
Yikes! At least you weren't throwing up for this one.
Stress is a bitch. Shake it off, your focus will be back for the next one.
Um, and kudos for still pulling out an awesome time!
Winks & Smiles,
Oh yeah, extreme pre race stress + Murphy's law kicking in = I've been there. It sucks, it does. Especially since I know for sure (100%) that you have at least a 1:48 in you! And you will get it next time!
Oh man, I'm sorry you had such a bad time of it. You finished in a great time despite all the setbacks.
I hope you can look back at this race soon and laugh.
How is your leg feeling now?
One thing plain and simple - you've set the bar higher for yourself.
Sure, 6 months ago you would have been happy, but 6 months ago, the bar was set much lower. You've heightened your expectations which you can only expect after 6 months of training. I set my bar higher almost every time I think about a race. Heck, I already picture winning Kona and I've never even done a half Iron! haha Talk about potential let down!
You'll still crush the two hour mark eventually.
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