After a year of waiting, it's finally here. Tomorrow morning at 7:39 am, G and I will be on our way to the Bermuda Half Marathon. I am so excited. Excited to run. Excited to get a vacation. Excited to have a break from the craziness that is having children. I'm just excited. But also very busy. So much to do, so little time.
My real reason for this post is to thanks Sami at Eat Breathe Run 13.1 for tagging me with the Beautiful Blogger Award!

It's my first award! Sweet, right? Anyway, to accept this award I have to divulge seven facts about myself and then pass it along to seven others. So here we go!
1. I have a weird obsession with threatening crazy violence. I always tell people that "I am going to cut them." or "I swear if you don't stop that I am going to kick you in the face." I have never done either of these things. But, in the past week, I have realized that these "threats" are my substitution for cussing (which I never do). It is now my goal to find a better way to channel my anger.
2. I work as a fitness director and I love it. But, I love running more. Because of this, I am getting certified as a running coach this spring and will be shifting my focus there.
3. I started dating my husband exactly one month after my father passed away. Because of this, I truly believe that my dad sent J to me.
4. This weekend will be the first time I have ever left all three of my children overnight. It's a huge step for me.
5. I have an Ivy League degree that I have NEVER used. It cost over a $120,000 and I will be paying for it until two months before Dizzle enters college. But I don't regret it for a second, I had a great college experience and I met J on a trip funded by that university.
6. I can fold my tongue in half. I can also tie a cherry stem with it and instead of just rolling it, I can make it look like it has three separate rolls. I know. Freaky.
7. I want nothing more than to be a good example for my children. I know that if I am, they will grow to be their very best.
Good list, right?
And now I pass this onto:
Alicia @ Alicia Runs
Allie @ That Girl is a RunningFool
RunHapi13 @ BitsNPiecesOfMe
Kasey @ Diary of A Hungry Mom
Kerrie T @ mom vs. marathon
Now I'm leaving on a jet plane ... be back on Tuesday!
Have a blast! Have you seen that Orbitz gum commercial where the wife confronts the cheating hubbs and his girlfriend? It's so funny! They are swearing the best way! He says, "what the french, toast?" And the girl friend says, "you lint licker!" And I always like "cheese & crackers!" All are fun, and less violent!
Have a safe trip!
*kid you not, my secret word says "yelable" LOL!
Good luck on your half!! I went to Bermuda for my honeymoon and am counting the days until I can return, it is SOOO beautiful there!
Good luck! Have fun! Be safe! :) That's funny that you threaten with crazy violence...makes me chuckle, because you don't look like a violent person at all. :)
Great list! I, too, have a college education that I've never used. I'm planning on it, though. Someday.
So excited for you to get away for the weekend! And to Bermuda! WoW! Wishing you swift feet and a smooth finish at the half. You'll do great I'm sure.
Thanks for the Beautiful Blogger award. You just made my day! (And gave me something to blog about...)
aw- T, for me? I'm speechless. And today of all days when I don't have time to blog because I'm too busy selling my kid on e-bay... er, I mean PACKING.
Good luck! Have a great trip! It sounds like a blast.
What are the chances of there being 2 blogs (that I've seen in the last minute) with the same exact heading??
Good luck and have the best time!
I am so excited for you! I can't wait to read all about it when you get back. I hope you have an amazing time running AND vacationing. And, I'm not jealous at all. Not one bit (ahem, lie).
PS: Thank you for the award!
Thanks so much and good luck, I can't wait to hear all about it!!
Have a wonderful time! Enjoy the run and the time away. Great list too :)
Fun! So what does a fitness director do exactly? I'm intrigued. I need something for when my kiddos start school in a few years and I like the way that's sounding. let me know how that ball/core exercise goes! I'm curious! have a great night and a blast on you trip! I'm so jealous!
I wish you a fantastic race...may the sun be on your face, the wind at your back and a friend (G) at your side! Run happy!
I just finished reading most of your posts (even from 2008) and enjoyed it very much! Especially the blogs on your first year of running - very inspiring! Thanks for sharing; it really makes me think that I can do it too :) Good luck!
You will have an amazing trip, miss your kiddos, but it will be fun.. How does one become a certified running coach? I often wonder how people become "consultants" as well..
CAnt wait to hear all about it when you return..
Best of luck! Can't wait to read about it! I love #6-totally something to be proud of!!
!. I threaten to eat my children or sell them to the circus when they are misbehaving... I haven't done either :)
I'm so excited!
I'll keep checking back :)
Can't wait to read your race report. You will do great!!
That's so funny we have the same post title. Great minds!LOL!
Happy running!!
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