Date: 5/28/11
Temperature: Sunny, 75 degrees
Official Time: 27:27 (8:51 pace) for 3.1 miles
Garmin Time: 27:25 (8:45 pace) for 3.13 miles
Place in Age Group: 6/38
Overall Place: 123/531
Remember how I mentioned that I was signed up for a 5K this past weekend? And how I wasn't really going to run it hard? Yeah, about that. My predetermined plan of running three sub-10 minute miles was pretty much out the window once the gun went off. It was awesome (mostly).
The Good:
Team GBA - The posse was out in full force and were most definitely the fastest team out there.

The Outfit - Despite being a team, we didn't wear a uniform. Well, other than tall socks. Because, that's how we roll. And if you look closely at mine, you'll see that my socks have cupcakes on them. Pretty much the best thing ever. (Thanks VK!)

The Shoulder - DID.NOT.HURT. That is all.
Placement - I some how finished 6th in my age group. With a sling. I think that ups my bada** status.
The Bad:
The Temperature - It was hot. And humid. And I hadn't run outdoors in a month. Enough said.
The Ugly:
Mile 3 - Yeah, I might have started out to fast. I may have forgotten that I had only run 3.25 miles since May 1st. And I possibly ignored the fact that the last time I ran more than three miles was April 28th. By the time I hit mile 3, I hit the wall. Hard. My lungs hated me. I walked at least a third of the mile. It.Was.Sad. (Note: I did run three sub-10 minute miles. Mile 3 was 9:50)
My Running Form - Although, I have been unable to track down a picture of me during the race, I know it was scary. I mean, I wore this ...

You looked & all. =)
you are a rockstar !!!!
Your outfit really is fantastic. I'd like you to pick out a completely new running wardrobe for me. I need to learn from you.
Awesome job on the run!!
So glad you were able to run the 5K afterall. Definitely bada** points. And now you have a 5K "sling" PR!
Further proving runners are a crazy bunch. Now that's the look of an ultimate warrior. Congrats on such a fast time with one arm tied around your back, ummm, chest.
It looks like not running is agreeing with you! You look FAB!
You did look great...and even more, you ran for a very good cause :) thanks
You are just simply a rock star!!!! Great job! I'm so glad that you were able to do it and that it didn't hurt. And I think your team was wearing a uniform - you were all in purple and blue - looked perfect! Love the cup cake socks. Thinking of you daily and wishing you a speedy recovery!
Yes, definitely galactic bad***. Great job T!!
I don't think any of us believed you weren't going to run it hard. :)
Great job!!!
You. Are. Awesome!! Nice job!!
You are AWESOME! Great job out there, T! :)
I love the outfits! And I can certainly sympatize about the heat: it's like cryptonite to my running form.
But I was wondering: if it was so warm, aren't those long socks terribly hot?
I've never seen so many long socks beneath running skirts. Is this a new trend? They certainly look cute.
You did awesome! You ROCK!
Love the outfits and how colorful they are together . . . especially the socks!
Glad your shoulder didn't hurt at all! You are clearly on the mend.
Wow! You really are amazing.
Nice, nice, nice. The best news is that your arm didn't hurt. Got to start preparing for SF, ya know!
Glad your arm didn't hurt. Wish you had a pic. Yeah you are BA for sure.
yay!!! That's fantastic!!! I'm so glad you had zero shoulder pain!! :) I've been praying for you!! Hopefully you dont have to wear that sling much longer :)
Definitely bada**. So glad your recovery is going well! That's far faster than I run uninjured. :)
The sling was just the wrong colour. Would have been way better with a few cupcakes on it (or in it). Well done on the race - that's a pretty slick time for running one-armed.
You are definitely bad-a**! I love your cupcake socks!
Thank you for running for Autism. I'm glad the arm held up for you. Thank you again.
Seriously, you rock!
You crazy runner!!
...I would have done the same thing!
seriously, couldn't get any more GBA!! You are awesome.
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