So, wish me luck. Tell me I'll be OK. And mail me gifts. All of those things will make me feel better.
And, do you know what else would make me feel better? Being pictured in Runner's World. Yeah, that would be sweet. And it could happen. Yesterday, I received an email from Sarah Bowen Shea (of Run Like A Mother: The Book fame), it read ...
"Dress to impress! Runner's World Magazine is looking for the photos for a feature SBS has written for upcoming August issue. For your chance to appear in the mag, email a jpeg of you wearing your most stand-out-from-the-crowd running outfit (think: loud colors, sparkles, accessories, knee-high socks, the works!) to: fastinistas at gmail dot com. Deadline is this FRIDAY!"
Do you have a look that can make the cut? Then, email it in. Personally, I like to think I have my thumb on running fashionably.

Good luck with your surgery. Wishing you a speedy recovery. :-) And here's hoping for your debut in RW.
Praying all goes well!
Good luck! I hope the surgery goes well.
hope all goes well with surgery....speedy healing!
You would make a great addition to the magazine!!
Good luck with your surgery! I'll be praying for a speedy recovery!
Good luck!! I know your surgery will go great and you will be even better than ever!
Good luck with your surgery and you look great (even if you don't make it in RW, but I have my fingers crossed)
Make it a great day!
Thinking of you!
Good luck on your surgery!
The first picture is ridiculously cute!
Good luck with surgery!
I think you can totally make the cut!
Also, you're surgery is going to go awesome and you'll be back in action in no time! Scars are totally cool :)
Good luck today! Personally, I think all those looks should make the cut!
Best wishes for an easy surgery and recovery! I think we may see you starring in a Runner's World spread with your outfits. Cute duds!
Good luck with the surgery! And I'm sure you'll make the cut for the magazine! Those pics are awesome!
Good luck with the surgery! Sending healing vibes your way!
And yep, your pics are awesome!
Good luck!! Uh I have no fashionable running photos!
good luck!!! You will be just fine and those adorable skirts will be awaiting your return
I was trying to think of something to say with "healed" or "healing" in it, but it all sounded very preacher-y. Here's to a complete recovery!
Ask for some anti-nausea meds for after, just in case.
I will be praying for you!! Love your pics! You are super trendy and cute when you run! :D
Good luck with surgery! You'll come out good as new!!!
as for the pics! You're so IN!! All I have to say is that I WAS INTERVIEWED FOR THE ARTICLE! =) so maybe I should send in a pic to go with it? i hope i don't sound like a nerdbucket!
Good luck with your surgery! And yes, you definitely qualify as a running fashionista and should get your picture in the magazine.
good luck! i'll be thinking of you!!
Praying for you today! And I think if they don't pick you... they are CRAZY!
I will be praying for your surgery; I think you are definitely fashionable. I love you and the girls together!!
Oh, and when I saw SBS's call for fashionable photos, I TOTALLY thought of you!! :)
I'm reading this at 11:30 your time... Wondering if you've gotten started yet. Praying it goes well! And so excited to be reading of your comeback :)
Good luck with your surgery! Sending quick recovery vibes your way.
First, yeah on your comeback! So here's to an easy and successful surgery!
Second, I TOTALLY think you are one of the best dressed runners around and you get BONUS points because your girls are too!
Third, I wish I was about two feet taller because I would take your hand me downs! :)
hope all went well today and that you're already resting in recovery!
thinking of you!!! Hope everything went/is going well with the surgery.
You'll be fine! It will be okay!
thinking of you
praying for you.
You're a shoe in for the fashion awards!
Good luck with the surgery...step one.
Thinking of you, T.
Fashionable? You? Most definitely!!
Good luck on your recovery. I bet you heal up fast!
Hope the surgery went well. If I were picking - you and your girls would be in Runners World for sure! ;-)
Good luck! You'll be okay. (Sorry, no gifts in the mail.) I could TOTALLY see you in Runner's World, because if I think of flashy running gear, I think of you. :)
Can't wait to see you in Runner's World. I have no doubt you're in.
Good luck with the surgery.
Those are all totally rockin outfits! You are totally in!
No one can compete my friend!! You have this..
You were the first person I thought of when I heard about this RW contest! Go for it!
You definitely are a running fashionista icon! And good luck with the surgery, scars are wicked cool!
Good luck with your surgery!
You and your girls are so cute!!!
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