Things ran behind schedule yesterday, so I spent most of the morning chillin' the the hospital bed rocking this look ...

2. When we left the hospital, they gave us a DVD of the surgery. And let me just say, knowing that you've had a hole drilled through your clavicle and seeing it happen is a totally different story.
3. I have the best friends ever. They are rearranging their schedules to watch my kids, bringing us dinners for the next month and keeping my spirits high. I love them and I hope they know how much I appreciate them.
Glad it went well!
The DVD thing still trips me out, I think it's awesome! Hang in there mama! *hugs*
1. So glad that all went well!
2. Watching your own surgery right after going through it: hello, Ms Toughie!
3. You are rocking that Hospital Shower Cap look. Just sayin. ;)
How can you look so cute in a hospital bed and shower cap??
Wow, I don't think I could have watched the DVD.
Happy healing :)
So glad it went well!
I had laser eye surgery and they gave me a DVD of that surgery. Wild!
Get well quick.
SO glad everything went well!
Glad it went well. But they gave you a DVD?!?!? Is it just me or does that seem weird? Is this the new thing? I don't think I could stand to watch it...
Glad it went well. I definitely don't think I could have watched that DVD!
So glad everything went well (and you're back up and blogging!
Also, crazy that they gave you a video of the surgery! Talk about a souveniere
They gave you a DVD of your surgery?! That's amazing! I would have never guessed that they do that.
And hats off to everyone helping you out! Just goes to show how awesome YOU are when you have friends who step up and do that much for you.
OMG you watched the dvd of your surgery????? WOW - that's seriously hard core!!!! And, by the way, totally sexy look!!! Glad it went well - glad your friends are there to help you. Feel better, chica!
I am so glad it all went well and sure hope the recovery all goes smoothly and you are able to be back at doing what you love soon.
And you got a DVD of the surgery??? I have never heard of that. Super cool! Take it easy!! Hugs. :)
Glad it went well! I wouldn't watch that DVD if someone paid me. You're badass.
glad the surgery went well! I hope you have a speedy recovery!
I'm so glad things went well! Not so certain I could watch the DVD!!!
Glad everything is progressing well.
I need me a 20 hour sleep day - jealous!
I'm so glad everything went well and you are officially on the mend!
Also, there is nothing like an injury to pull together the kindness of family and friends. You are blessed!
As for the DVD... yuck! I could NOT watch that.... eeek!
You look great. I would never look that good with the goofy cap.
I don't think I'd be able to watch the dvd...
So glad you are OK.. My poor buddy!
Gah, you watched the video?? I don't know if I could handle seeing that. Yikes!
I'm glad all went well. Good luck on a speedy recovery!
happy everything went well!
So glad your first surgery experience went smoothly.
No way I'd want to see my own procedure! Brave (or heavily medicated) woman. ;-)
You are blessing with loads of friends. So glad they are able to be there for you all.
I hope they let you keep that bitchin' surgery hat.
i'm too far away to bring you food but i am sending you hugs! and i would LOVE to watch my surgery, i'm so jealous.
Good to hear it went well! So awesome you have such a terrific support system! Hopefully you will be getting more mobile soon and onto recovery!
I don't know if I could watch a DVD of my surgery, but it's SUPER awesome that they give you one. I love modern times.
I hope you mend quickly!
THe DVD idea creeps me out but Wohoo for getting better!
Awesome job rocking the sexy patient look.
I'm glad that the surgery went well! I hope you are feeling better soon and have a quick recovery. :)
ACK no way could I watch a surgery that had been performed on ME! I often have to look away during Grey's Anatomy - LOL!
Glad you are resting up and recovering, and that people are looking after you!
Are you typing all this with one hand??? ha, ha...glad everyting went well and get a lot of REST :)
I'm glad it went well. The DVD sounds soooo cool!
Glad to hear all is well, and I am so not squeamish so feel free to post the DVD, and good on your friends for being so great.
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