Thursday, May 19, 2011

Three Things Thursday ...

1. Take a look at this picture. Can you tell me what's missing?

Yeah. That's right. NO SLING. Heck to the yeah! I was given the go ahead by my doctor to "wear the sling ONLY as YOU FEEL necessary."

And he also gave me the green light to use my bike trainer and to do whatever doesn't cause me discomfort. So, you can probably guess what I will be doing tonight ...

2. On Tuesday, I had some blood work done. I hadn't had my cholesterol tested in three years and since I'm pescatarian, I was concerned that I might not be getting enough iron. The results came back today and like usual, I'm a total rock star.

Total Cholesterol: 142 (under 200 is optimal)
HDL "Good": 63 (over 60 is optimal)
LDL "Bad": 72 (under 100 is optimal)

And my iron was within the normal range.

See, even my blood is awesome.

But. And this is a big BUT. My vitamin D levels were wicked low. Like "please take 3,000 IU per day" low. Oops.

3. Did you remember to enter my TOTALLY AWESOME KEEN GIVEAWAY? You can enter until Monday, May 23rd. Just click HERE to enter.

And while you are clicking links, feel free to click HERE to vote for Racing With Babes over at Circle of Moms Top 25 Fitness and Health Mom Blogs. You can vote once every 24 hours from now until 6/1.


Rachel said...

yay for no sling! Boo to low Vitamin D. :)

I have that same shirt in pink, but if I would have seen it in yellow I would have bought that color too. Love it!

Running Ricig said...

clearly you are completely awesome, even your blood agrees!

fantastic that the sling is gone! yay for exercise!

MCM Mama said...

Woot! Woot! Glad you are healing so quickly!!!

Jennifer Spadafora said...

Yay for no sling and getting on the trainer!!! Get that vitamin D so those bones heal quickly!!!!

kimert said...

Beautiful beautiful beautiful!!! I am so happy to read that you are healing just fine!!!

Anonymous said...

YAY for no sling!!! (aka was mamarunsbarefoot)

Meredith said...

Hooray for no sling!!! And that vitamin d?? Yeah, we have a lot of deficiencies on that too! Thankfully, the sun's been shining the last few days. Puts us all in a good mood :)

Marlene said...

WOOHOO, good riddance to the sling! Awesome on the blood work too!!

Croughwell said...

I have that same yellow shirt. I'm glad you got the green light!

Runners Fuel said...

yay!! No sling!! Your blood is awesome!

SupermomE13 said...

Yay for no sling and awesome blood! Now go drink some milk. :)

Rene' said...

Woo-Hoo! you look great without your sling. Definitely take your vitamin D and even throw some Calcium in there (but not together). honestly i think that every woman needs it!!!! Happy biking!!!

christa said...

voted! yay for no sling and back to activity!

Anabela (Bela) Neves said...

Woohoo fabulous that the sling is gone. Take care!

Courtney @ I CAN DO THIS said...

"even my blood is awesome"
I love it!

Allison said...

Have fun on the trainer! And congrats on your return to a sling-free lifestyle. :)

LB said...

Yay for no sling!!! I've been thinking about having my labs done too. I've been without meat for a month now, but have a history of borderline low iron. Also had low vit d like u and had to go on mega doses of vit d for 12 weeks and now take 2000iu daily. Can u tell any difference in your strength or stamina since becoming pescatarian?

Beth said...

You are recovering so well!

I'm surprised that you're low on vitamin D, doesn't that come from the sun. Aren't you outside all the time?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a whole lot of awesome to me!!!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

Oh the joy on your face says it all! Yeah!

I think every woman is low in D. Glad that you got your numbers. Great to hear that it, too is awesome.

voting for all electronic devices!

Anne said...

You are totally awesome :)

I've been voting daily!

Run with Jess said...

Rockstar indeed! Glad to see the arm healing up nicely!

Runwithme said...

My son, who is 27, was tested for Vitamin D.
He scored a 36, where 30 to 100 is normal. He's taking 2,000 units a day. Glad to see you are improving!

Zoë said...

Hurray for no sling! And OF COURSE I vote for you on both my computers every day...

amy said...

My vitamin D was like that at my last check-up, which I didn't understand since I spend so much time outside. I added it to my morning regimen and have been fine since. Congrats on the speedy recovery!

Rae said...

You definitely are awesome!

That's great you don't need the sling and can get back into things!

Melissa said...

yay for no sling and great bloodwork.

I went and voted. Hope you win!

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

Congrats on your freedom from the sling T! Wishing you are speedy road to recovery!!!