Tomorrow is my "A" half marathon for 2011 - Dismal Swamp Stomp. I have been looking forward to this race for two years
(for some reason I couldn't run it last year). The course is a notoriously fast and flat out and back. This chart is deceptive. There all of that bright yellow is 0% incline.

Everyone I know who has ever run it has told me it's a PR course. And I want my 1:55. The thing is, I KNOW I can run a 1:55. But, I THINK I can run much faster. I've just been too afraid to admit it. So, yesterday, I asked around
(via Twitter, Facebook, text), if I should play it safe and get my 1:55 or if I should run the race I think I am capable of and pray I don't bonk.
The overwhelming consensus was - RUN THE PACE YOU THINK YOU CAN RUN.
So, that's what I am going to do. And hopefully, if something goes awry, I can hold on to that 1:55. With that said, here are my goals for Saturday.
A: Sub-1:50, more specifically 1:48:00
(perfect day, perfect race, perfect everything)B: 1:54:59 or better
C: A new PR - 1:57:05 or better.
I'm excited and ready. And thanks to everyone who helped me pick out an outfit, I will also be dressed. In this ...

13.1 here I come!
Awesome. Definitely go for it!! Good luck!
Love the goal. Love the outfit (I have that shirt too) and cannot wait to hear how everything goes.
Good Luck! You are strong...I know you'll do great!
I know you can do a 1:48. No problem. and I love the outfit you picked! my colors!
Good Luck! You are totally inspirational, I know you are prepared to PR!
Good luck tomorrow! I know you are absolutely going to blow away your PR. Can't wait to hear by how much!!!
Good luck...I know you will totally rock it. Love the outfit. The shirt is perfect!
That course sounds AWESOME! Good luck! You'll be fantastic (and sweet out fit!)
Have a great time! Sending good running vibes your way for that PR! Love that shirt!
love the outfit and the goals! I say go for it. I need to be better about an A, B, C plan. Thanks for the tip :)
You're gonna be awesome! And I love the outfit you chose :)
Rock it girl!! LOVE the purple!
I'd say good luck, but you don't need it! Love the shirt and can't wait to hear by how much you crush this race!
1:48 and looking amazing and all smiles for 13.1 miles! And I'm never wrong! ;)
Good luck! It sounds like everything is in place for an amazing race.
GOOD Luck. I love your outfit.
Your outfit is adorable, and I think that you will do very well in your half! Good luck, and I look forward to hearing the updates on Facebook! Sending giant perfect run vibes your way! Enjoy!
Ah, nice goals. It's time to let your inner star shine! Good luck!
I quite agree with their advice - run the race you're capable of!
I have no doubt, even if you hit a bump in the road you can still pull off sub-1:55.
LOVE the shirt!!! I am wearing the same one tomorrow for a little race (5k) because it's suppose to rain. HA! GOod luck!!!!
Good luck!
purple is a power color. go for it, mama!
Good Luck!! and I'm loving the purple outfit. I'm running a half marathon on Sunday and my outfit is purple as well but little lighter. Have a great day!!
You are going to ROCK THE RACE!! Go Big or Go Home. That PR is YOURS! There are some words of encouragement. I know you are going to do great and have a great time!
Super cute outfit by the way.
ahhhhh!!! definitely go for it!!! and LOVE the outfit!!
Good luck!! I know you will PR!
What a FUN outfit.. PR outfit for sure. Run your race. You are in the best shape you have ever been in 13.1 is your distance to shine.. Got get it!! And text me when you are done, I want to know the details when I hit Saint Lois..
Go T!! BELIEVE!!!!
Love the purple and yellow!!!
Oh please, you have that A Goal already! You just need to go get the medal now. It's got nothing to do with boasting. Your training is spot on. Your attitude is perfect. It's a comfortable distance. It is going to be a great running day.
Go make us all jealous!
you're totally gunna kill it. I don't doubt for a second you can't pull out the A goal
Of COURSE you can do it! Go for it and know you are goona rock it out :)
Way to put the goals out there. I see a sub-1:50!
That is an awesome shirt!!!
I think you've got a sub-1:50 in the tank. Get it, girl!
Go for it! You're awesome. Love the outfit!
I'm gonna be trying to channel my inner TOE-KNEE-AH (seriously had no idea your name had three syllables until Jen's post lol) tomorrow in my half as well.
Good luck tomorrow! I randomly found your blog a couple of days ago while searching for the Dismal Swamp Half's FB page and have been in love ever since. You are an amazing encouragement and motivator. It is so awesome to hear from another mom who runs and enjoys working out as maybe only one of my mommy friends is as in to it as I am. I am runnng my first half tomorrow. Hoping it goes well. Anyways, enjoy and go for that PR!
I love those socks!!!
Have fun tomorrow!
Gulp, 1:48:00! For real, wow! Okay, set the bar high, you can do it.
You have the CUTEST outfits. Makes me want to go (running clothes) shopping.
I think you can do 1:48. And I think you can hit 1:48 because I think I can hit 1:48, on a day with cool weather and a flat course. And I compare you to me only because our recent times are similar. SO... go out there, rock your socks off, and hit that 1:48. Looking forward to an update!
Love the shirt! I have almost ordered it. Now I want to as it strikes me again how much I like it. I certainly run in anything.
Enough about me! Run that fast pace. Can't wait to hear how you kill it.
And I also can't wait to hear about D's 5K!
Good luck on your goals! Sounds like you are all ready for a great run :)
That looks like a PR outfit to me! Hope you have an awesome race. You will be amazing!
Ooooo loving the shirt! Outfit definitely looks like PR material. Good luck this weekend! I'll be cheering you on from Chicago :)
I'm a little late on commenting (44th person), but I believe I heard it best from someone: the point of a race is to get to the finish as fast as possible.
I suggest the go for broke Prefontaine/Salazar strategy: they'd rather lose giving everything they had than win being too conservative.
If you're training can let you run a 1:44, then go for it. The worse that can happen is you end up running 1:55 because the last mile killed you. But either way, you win.
At the half or shorter, I would definitely say go for it. Cant wait to hear the results!
Good Luck. You'll nail the PR< and look good doing it, no doubt. Did you finish before the rain?
Love the outfit! Good luck!
hope it went well!!
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