Dilly - One Day Old
Dilly - One Year Old

It's amazing, but somehow I blinked and my last baby is suddenly one. You'd think that after going through the first year with each of your sisters, I would have known exactly what to expect during yours. But, I'd be lying if I said that I did. Sure, some things were easier, some things less confusing, but almost nothing was what I expected. Which, if we are being honest, is exactly what I should have expected.
From day one, you were your own person. When people would ask me who you looked like, or who you reminded me of, I always answered, "I'm not sure. I guess she's most like Dilly." And that's still true. Sure, you share traits with each of your sisters, but you inject so much of your own personality in that you really don't resemble either.
There are a million things about you that make you the Dilly that I love. These are just a few of my favorites.
I love that you are the EASIEST child ever. You can ask anyone. You never cry. OK, maybe you cry, but it's usually only when you hurt yourself. Like last week when you fell down, bashed your head and instantly looked like you were growing a horn. (No worries, you're fine.)
I love that you know how to play me. That when you want your way, you'll look up at me with those big brown eyes, in a way that is eerily similar to Puss-N-Boots from Shrek.
I love that you act so much older than you are. You have an immense amount of confidence. And truly believe that you can do anything you put your mind to, even if that means climbing the banister (seriously, I have caught you climbing the banister. You can't even walk yet. Give me a break.)
I love that you do everything on your own time. Prime example, drinking from a cup. You would rather dehydrate yourself than drink on my schedule. So, I weaned you. And you held your ground. Refusing to drink anything. I said, "Have it your way." And you did.
I love that you love kisses. There is nothing better than slobbery baby kisses and you are happy to serve them up to anyone who is interested.
I love that you admire your sisters. Sure, they might not always be the best examples, but I could sit for hours watching you watch them with such love. I hope that you feel the same way for the rest of your life.
I love that I can always calm you down or make you laugh by singing, "I Got A Feeling," by the Black Eyed Peas. It's your favorite and to watch you dance to it, is the best.
I love that you let me parent you the way I have. That you quickly adapted to everything I have thrown at you. In a way, I have never seen you as a baby. I've tried to treat you like I treat your older sisters. And I think it has worked. We've found our groove. You've helped me become a more confident and a more relaxed parent. And I thank you for that.
Dilly, watching you transition in your first year from a newborn to a toddler has been bittersweet for me. Most of your firsts were also my lasts. The first time you took a bath was the last time I would ever give a first bath. The first time you "cried it out" was the last time I would ever Ferberize a child. Your first meal, your first smile, your first attempts of everything are all my last experiences of babyhood. It makes me want to smile and cry, all at the same time.
I am excited for all that is in store for us. I can't wait to see how you will continue to grow and blossom. How you will mesh with your sisters. How you will grow up. But for now, I will relish in the fact that today my baby is one. No longer a baby, but not quite a big kid. Happy Birthday Dilly! I love you more than you will ever know.
So sweet! Someday she will read this and it will be so special to her.
Happy Birthday Dilly! You are such an excellent addition to the B family. Such love in that smile of yours - it's infectious!
Oh she is the cutest T... THE CUTEST.
Happy Birthday Dilly! You are one of a kind! Thanks for sharing some of those slobbery baby kisses with me!
Happy Birthday Dilly! ...this is such a sweet post and indeed, one day, she will read this and love it.
Happy Birthday Dilly!
Wow an easy child? Never had the pleasure! Enjoy every minute.
OK. Crying at 6:03 a.m. That paragraph on firsts and lasts...
What a beautiful letter. Happy birthday, Dilly!
Aw, what a sweet & touching letter. Happy Birthday Dilly!
That was so sweet and touching. You are going to love that you did this and she is going to be so appreciative to read it some day and know how much her momma loved him!
Happy Birthday Dilly!
That was just so sweet to read, thanks for sharing Tonia! Print that out and store it away somewher...that is an awesome gift an mother can give a child.
Enjoy your day celebrating!
This is so sweet. Happy 1st Birthday, sweet Dilly! Tonia, you are an awesome momma! :)
Happy birthday to your baby. This is a very sweet letter. She'll love reading it someday.
I am not a Mom and never will be but I felt everything you said in your letter to Dilly. I hope you handwrite it and save it and give it her one day. What a lucky, lucky daughter she is. I hope she has a wonderful birthday!
This is a beautiful letter to your daughter and I hope you printed it so that you can give it to her when she is 20! I cried when I read it... I can relate so much to the first-for-her-last-for-you things... I really enjoyed reading it so thank you for posting something so personal and beautiful! WOW!
Great letter! If you scrapbook make sure you print it and enclude it in one of those neat envelopes.
I have written letters to my kids and nieces for various things, like birthdays or graduations and hidden it behind a picture or framed piece of art. For them to find later in life.
This is a great tradition for your little one and you.
Such a cute post and what a doll!!
he is such a little angel!!!!!! h
I'm doing a big bondi band fundraiser; all the proceeds go to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It would be really awesome if you could let your readers know!
Here are the details...
1) The bands will be $8 including shipping so cheaper than ordering straight from the site! However, if you order more than one, you will get a discount! The more you buy, the bigger the discount!
2) Rebecca (the owner) is sending us a big assortment of the more popular styles but head to www.bondiband.com and let me know which one/ones you want! You can order any of the guys or girls headbands (solids, patterns, phrases, symbols, etc).
3) E-mail me at KatyeRunninAround @ gmail.com with your order! I will give you a total (including any discounts). I will be able to accept checks and paypal (I don’t want anyone mailing cash, too much risk)4) I will ship your order =)Any questions let me know! Please advertise this fundraiser on your blogs! EVERYTHING goes to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!
omgosh, he is soooo cute! What a special note you wrote him...very touching! Happy Weekend!
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