2010 Bermuda Half Marathon Race Schedule
5:30 a.m.: Wake up.
5:35-6:00 a.m.: Get dressed in your super cute race outfit. Mentally prepare yourself for all the attention you will get for being part of the best looking duo on the course.
6:00-6:25 a.m.: Eat your breakfast of two bananas and peanut butter while you wait for an overpriced taxi cab to drive you to the race. Chat it up with other runners. Get a feel for the course. Start to understand that the race might be hillier than you thought.
6:25-6:55 a.m.: Drive to the race. Do your best not to vomit in the back seat of the cab (evil motion sickness).
6:55 a.m.: Arrive at the start. Look around. Begin to believe that you might not be in the right location as there are no other runners and not even the beginning of a start line. Start to question if the race is going to be able to begin on time.
7:00 a.m.: Sneeze. Twice. On the second sneeze, seize up your upper back, losing the ability to turn your head.
7:15 a.m.: Watch as race officials begin to construct the start and finish areas. Laugh at the pathetic nature of it all.
7:15-7:30 a.m.: Wait. Wait. And wait some more. (This is us waiting.)

7:30-7:45 a.m.: Head inside to drop off your bag at the "unsecured" bag check. Pray that no one really wants to steal your sweatshirt. Wait in line for the bathroom, then get out of the line as the smell is so overwhelming that you'd rather pee your pants than vomit.
7:50 a.m.: Get interviewed by the Bermuda Sports Network for no other reason than having the most kick a** outfit. (Note the awesome outfits)

7:55 a.m.: Run into Runner's World's Bart Yasso who will proceed to tap your shoulder and say, "Great socks."
7:55:15 a.m.: Snap a picture of Bart as he walks away. (He's in the red and white shirt. We should have chased after him.)

8:00 a.m.: Start running, 100% shocked that they actually managed to set up the race in 45 minutes.
8:00-10:14 a.m.: Run the hilliest and most beautiful half marathon course you have ever seen. Start conservatively and maintain your pace. Take it all in. Laugh as you get passed by Bart at mile 10. Meet your best bud at mile 12. Finish strong and be proud. (This is me at mile 12, thanks to my awesome photographer, G.)

10:15 a.m.: Drink some water as you contemplate the fact that you just PR'd by 3 minutes and 24 seconds on a very challenging course. Start feeling dizzy.
10:20 a.m.: Get interviewed for a second time by the Bermuda Sports Network.
10:25 a.m.: Stand still as your best bud finds you some food so that you don't collapse.
10:30 a.m.: Eat that food and make your way back home.
10:45 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.: Do your best to recover. Hot Tub. Shower. Nap. Rehydrate. Eat. Go on a boat and get horrendous motion sickness. Go to bed at 7 p.m.
As you can see, I had a really full day. It was beyond fun. The entire trip was (more on that in my vacation report tomorrow). The course was very challenging. But I did stick to my "Parcheesi Strategy" and walked away with a PR. G and I got so much press. Two TV interviews. Everyone with a camera took our picture. Seriously, did I mention it was totally awesome? So who's in for next year?
Great race report!! I agree, great running outfits! I decided Sunday that I HAVE to get some great running socks. It makes me happy to see runners dressed in bright happy colors and patterns!
CONGRATS on the PR!!! Especially on a hilly course!
Way to go, I love the outfits!!!! Great job on the PR!!!
Great report! Very cute outfit as well! Can't wait to hear about the vacation! Oh, and congrats on the PR! :)
Two separate tv interviews! You guys are awesome! You know you've got some great socks when Bart tells you so. (I can't believe you didn't get a picture with him!) Loved the report. Congrats on the PR!
Of course you got all the attention and interviews you looked like rock stars out there! WTG on the mega PR!
What a fun race report. I love the outfits...you're famous! It sounds like the Parcheesi Strategy paid off. Congrats on the PR!
What a great report! Can't wait to experience my first race.
Indeed, your outfits were uber cute...no wonder you got so much media coverage :)
Congrats on the PR.
I LOVE IT! Your write-up is exactly what I needed. And YES! I want to run in Bermuda next year and wear pink striped socks and get tapped on the shoulder by Bart....do they have a 10K?
AWESOME PR girly! Love the Parchessi strategy - I might have to try that! BTW, the socks are aweome! Are they special running socks or reg old socks?
Awesome job -- and totally cute outfit!!
Ok so that's hilarious that you posted your race report today, because I just posted a few photos and said, "more on all this tomorrow". Love the post though, Parcheesi is the way to run. Congrats again on the PR, Mom's checking out to see if she can record the "Special" on BSN tonight.
Congrats and love the pictures!
Congrats! that is so awesome- and I'm loving the socks!!! Glad you had a great race- I can't wait to hear about the vacation part of it!
Congrats on the PR! Love the pics! I met Bart this September. He is a hoot!! My kids wear goofy socks like that under their hockey gear! They say they're lucky! Apparently, they are lucky for you as well!!
Love the outfit! And great race report. It looks beyond beautiful there! What a treat to do a race like that.
I'm in! haha I love Bermuda, actually going back this summer...but I doubt I'll be running 13 miles =( . Oh and um can you please start planning my race outfits for me? hahaha. Question...are those recovery socks or just really fun socks?
I LOVE how you did your report! Such a cute idea. Dang girl, you look super strong in that Mile 12 picture. Woohoo! Way to go on the PR and all the TV interviews!
Question: When you wear those kinds of socks, do you wear them over running socks?
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