Over the course of the last 299 posts, this blog has morphed. It used to be a place where I would sporadically post with our latest happenings. But now, it has become so much more. Now, I use it to as a daily recap of our lives. I write about the girls' crazy antics and their milestones, our vacations and school trips, our successes and failures and of course, my running.
To mark my 300th post, I thought it would be fun to look back at where it all started. My very first post. So, here it goes:
February 12, 2008
It hasn't always been this way ...
Every once in a while, I have one of those days where you question who you have become. Today has been one of those days. As I changed my third poop-filled diaper and wiped a runny nose with my bare hand (neither of which were my own), I thought, "When did I become so comfortable with bodily fluids that I really found it ok to wipe someone else's nose without a tissue?"
There was a time that the mere thought of all those germs crawling on my hands would have made me cringe in disgust, but today I simply wiped and continued to go on with what I was doing without giving it a second thought. Some people say that you lose the ability to care about those things after you have a child. Spit-up and poop become facinating topics of conversation and a handful of runny snot is nothing more than a minor blip on the radar. For me, I lost my concern for germs (and "normal" conversations) when I had my second. Once Doodle arrived, I couldn't worry about those things anymore. Why bother? Just think about it. My other daughter, Dizzle, was just about two when Doodle was born. How can you stop a two year old (even the most well-behaved) from touching their baby sister with dirty toddler hands? You can't. It is beyond impossible. And maybe it's just me, but really, is it that important? I figure there are bigger things to worry about, like making sure that your toddler doesn't knock out your infant with a quick jab when you're not looking. Trust me this can happen! But let me back up a bit, this rant was meant to be more of an introduction than a digression into sibling relationships.
My point was that at some point I lost the person I thought I was and this new and better person has emerged. The things that were once important to me (mainly me), have been replaced by new, more selfless things (mainly my kids and wonderful husband). And surprisingly, I am extremely happy about this. Now don't get me wrong, I still LOVE myself. Who doesn't? But now putting my family first makes me feel like a better me. That and running (more on that another time). In those moments that I am thriving (or surviving) as a wife, a mom, and a runner are the best. As draining as those tasks can be, they are equally invigorating. Everyday that I mother makes me want to be a better mom and everyday I run makes me want to be a better runner. Crazy, when you think that just six or seven years ago, children and running anywhere (except maybe to the fridge), weren't even on my radar. Like I said, it hasn't always been this way.
It's funny. As much as this blog has evolved, it has kind of stayed exactly the same ...
And now a thank you to all my loyal readers, followers, commenters and lurkers. A giveaway open only to those of you in my elite bloggy family. One reader will win a three pack of my FAVORITE socks. You know the ones. The pink striped socks (and two other pairs also of the pink variety) that kicked off my obsession. I'm wearing them in this picture.

Here's how to enter:
1. Leave me a comment to let me know you are reading and while your at it jump on the bandwagon and officially become a follower.
2. Ask me a question. Any question. And I will answer them all in an upcoming post.
3. DO NOT REPOST THIS GIVEAWAY! Like I said, it's for the elite ONLY!
The giveaway will close at midnight on Thursday, March 25. Winner will be randomly selected and announced on Friday, March 26.
im a follower and have been stalking your socks to see what new ones you will have next LOL. love them!!!!!! and dont worry i wont post this on my blog, i want to keep this all to myself!!!
does your husband ever give you a hard time about the amount of running gear/clothes you have and if so how to you handle it? i have a hard time justifying just 4 (on sale at tjmaxx at that) running skirts to him, he thinks its ridiculous!!!
Wow it's so nice to be called 'elite' so early in the morning!
My question for you is where the heck do you buy those wonderful socks?
I'm a follower! I read because following the adventures of other runners keeps me motivated to get out there everyday myself!
My question is...What is one new food you have tried that you cannot live without?
I*m reading! And I LOVE these socks :0)
My question is:
Do you think you'll do any more Disney races in the next year or so?
you Orlando follower
I follow, and I'm "elite". I also just tried to post, blogger burbed, so I don't know if I'm going to end up double posting that I'm a follower...
I am follower and have been for some time!
The tough part about asking a question is that in the 680 miles that we've logged together, I think I've asked a lot. So, here's one that comes to mind this morning...
IF you were to place a running skirt order in the next few weeks, which skirt would you order?
I feel bad using my question for this, but I'm dying to know:
Are those running socks... I only run in running socks and I have been nervous about running in anything else. Do you get blisters?
I haven't officially become a follower but read your blog every day. I'll look into become official!
My question is this: Do you ever get hot running in the socks? LOVE them!!
I am a loyal follower :)
If you could do any race, what would it be? Where?
I haven't felt like I necessarily like who I have become after being a stay at home mother. How did you own it?
I'm a follower. I'm not sure that I could rock those socks, but I guess I could give it a try. :-) Besides, they might come in handy during the Maine winters.
And my question:
What did you do before you came a stay at home mom? Do you miss it?
thanks for visiting my blog! the first thing i noticed when i came over to visit yours was the socks you have on in the picture : ) very cool! I am now a devoted follower of yours. My question to you is, are those compression socks or just "regular" socks that you find comfortable and stylish to run in?
I'm a reader and a follower. Love to see which outfit you are wearing next. My husband thinks are outfits are crazy, but what does he know?
What's the one running accessory you would go back to get if you forgot it?
I read your blog daily! I also love your socks; they would look great on me for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler!!
My question is what did you think was the hardest thing about running when you first started? How did you get over the hurdles?
I love being an elitist I also love your socks!
one of the thigns I admire about you is your self confidence, it is a great quality espicially as the mom of three cute little ladies...
I want to know was there ever a time where you did not feel self confident.. when I run I am fearful that there are people laughing at the slightly chubby slow chick running...did those thoughts every creep in your brain?
I'm a follower and have been loving reading your bloggy!
My question is, did you ever think you'd have 3 kids by the age you are now?
Oooo! I love those socks. I'm a follower, of course. :)
So...when are you just going to move to Seattle already?
I have been reading your blog for about a month and I am a follower. Love reading it! I want to know how you cross train?
I have been a follower for a couple weeks now and I am enjoying reading about your running/family adventures!
Oh how awesome! I heart your socks, so cute!!!
I also love that I am elite!! :)
How did you get started with the fun socks? (Funny socks actually used to be a thing I did for good luck on track race days back when I was in high school. I used to wear non matching holiday socks. I am loving all of your fun ones though...it is inspiring me to want to try some fun socks while running too!)
happy blog a versary! you are on my blogroll cuz i love reading.....
My question for you is: Is there some secret technique for taking awesome running photos? Because you always looks so cute and I always look like death.
Of course I am a follower :)
What are your ultimate/lifetime running dreams/goals?
And, how did you get started running?
" Everyday that I mother makes me want to be a better mom and everyday I run makes me want to be a better runner"<---This really struck a chord with me. :) I just want to say that I am so very happy I found your blog! I love your writing and can relate on so many things.
Luckily I already am a follower...wow I have never been an elite anything!
When was the last time you failed to meet a goal you had set for yourself...and how did you feel and get past it?
i am a follower and have big admiration for you...because you really inspire many of us. i am going to ask "where do you get your socks?" we all want to know.
I am a follower! I appreciate you always taking the time to visit my blog and leaving a comment.
Just a gadget question for you . . . I would love to have my own Garmin but I know very little about what is a good one to buy. They vary in prices . . .
I admit, while I'm a follower, I've been lurking for a while now. But I'm going to start commenting more often.
Love the socks!
Do you run with or without music? If you do, what are some of your favorite tunes to run to?
LOVE IT!! Hugs to you and your adorable matchy matchy outfits. When you come here we TOTALLY need to color coordinate..
I am a faithful follower and cant wait to meet you in person.
Not sure I have a question now. But if, BIG IF, we ever get prego again I will want to know more about running while carrying a linebaker or princess :)
I am follower and love your blog! I loved your look back on your very first blog..It was amazing, and it is awesome that you still feel the same way. Good for you!
Love the socks...pink is my favorite color!
What is your favorite running website ever?
I'm already a follower. I can't help but read along. That reposted first post reminds me so much of myself and how much my own life has changed. All for the better though. :)
When did you first start running? High school track, later as a mommy? What got you started and when did you run your first half marathon or marathon?
I'm a follower and reader, duh =)
you're gunna have alot of questions to answer =) My question: I want to know about your wedding! When/where/how? How old were you? What was your dress and wedding like? And picture would be fabulous...
You already know I follow and I just gotta say, I'm so glad I do. You crack me up with your tales of motherhood and running and your fashion sense is unmatched out on the course! No seriously, I love how matchy-matchy you are! :) As for a question: Do you wear the full socks or do you cut them? If you wear them for all races do you ever find they bother you or give you blisters? I get SO hot when I wear decorative socks while running.
I'm following!
I want to know more about running during your pregnancy. Did your doc (or anyone else) ever give you any crap about it? I know some folks who would think I was nuts to run while pregnant.
All I have to say is that I'm already a follower, fan and friend and girl...you are going to be busy answering all those questions! So, what's the harm in adding one more. When are you and J going on your next vacation alone and where will you go?? Big hugs, from Earth Momma Mer :)
I'm a follower!
I am fan and a follower.
Which pair of socks are your favorite and why?
Uh, I think you know where I stand! LOL! Loyal, loyal follower!! I LOVE YOUR BLOG and love that we have been able to develop a nice relationship over the course of all of this. Congrats on 300! Keep it up - I love checking in with you :)
Hmmm....my question:
Maybe a bit personal, but do you expect you will ever go back to work or do you think you will stay home until they are all in school and more independent? I ask this because as we attempt to start a family, I really want to stay home for as long as possible, but my hubbs has $$ signs in his eyes and expects me to go back ASAP! Silly man!
I have been reading for a while and am now an official follower. :)
Besides running, what is your next favorite thing to do that is something just for yourself?? (All us moms always say play with our kids, which we all love, but I always like to know what people love to do that is just for them...I love to get Starbucks and browse the bookstore :) )
I follow you cause you and your blog are so inspiring!
Hummm....what's a good question... What is 1 thing you REALLY love about yourself and 1 thing that you can't stand?
I read your blog daily and have to say when you had your 3rd and there was a it of a gap in posts I checked a ton for your return! I don't post comments often...but definitely have been a follower of yours...anywho here's my question...
How did you get so comfortable on the treadmill? I cannot handle running on it as I stare at the time and it bugs me. Also, what treadmill do you have and do you watch tv or listen to music...kinda a 3 part question! sorry I am just in awe of people who can run on those damn things!!!
Happy 300 posts! I am a follower and read regularly, as you know.
Which is your FAVORITE pair of socks?
Happy 300! You are workign those socks. Well done!
Happy 300th! I am a follower!
I would also like to know more about running while prego (not that I am....or will be anytime soon... :)
and I'm a follower.
love the socks!
I am a follower! I love your blog and love the sweet socks.
If you had a day all to yourself and you felt confident that all your fam was well taken care of, what would you do? (You could be anywhere and do anything.)
Congrats on 300, to celebrate you should go and watch the movie 300, woohoo Gerard Butler. JK, my question- If you were an animal, which one and why? (mythical is fine)
Ooh, I'm an elite for the first time ever. Woot! Congrats on 300 posts!
My question: When are you coming up here to run a race with me? You know you want to. ;o) I'll even take you out for a beer afterwards.
I am a follower and it is too funny that you are sending me birthday requests from my son!!!
My question is as much as I love your socks how do you run in them? It seems like they would fall down!
I'm a follower! Does your friend Courtney always look that good after a 10 mile run??
Which socks are your favorite? Why? Please post of picture of them.
I'm a follower!
I love reading your blog. I wish I could to what you do, maybe someday. Until then I live vicariously through your dedication as a wife, mother & runner.
My question: How did you and your husband make arrangements so you could fit in your runs? While my husband is supportive, it is challenge especially since I am a nursing mom with a 5 month old. Stories from the infant months would be much appreciated.
I am here and I am a follower!
If you could buy any RunningSkirt.com skirt, what would it be? Just kidding; we know you have almost all of them!
So, does your husband know how much they cost or do you keep that a well-hidden secret? (I do)
Love the socks...I'm a faithful follower :)
Does your running (the time that it requires) ever cause tension at home?
Happy 300! Thanks for sharing your first post. I loved it. I am no longer grossed out by that stuff too, but for different reasons. I am not a follower (I don't use blogger) but I am a subscriber and you are on my blogroll!
For my question - how do you balance running as a wife and mother? Sorry if someone else asked this already!
I'm a follower, and your blog is definitely in my 'top 10' of favorite to read. You're always inspiring, funny, and entertaining. Thanks for being such an awesome person and sharing your life with us!
My question: How did you feel after you ran your very first mile? I'm talking about wayyyy back in the beginning, when you were just starting to run, did you ever feel frustrated?
I am a follower on FB, and a reader of your bloggy blog. Thanks for all your inspiration, I too have a love for wacky socks :)
My question: What is more important to you, speed or distance? I ask this because I am super slow, I pace 11 minute miles on most runs. Maybe I should stop doing marathons and halfs and start speeding up...
I am a follower...and love your creativity and way you inspire me.
What is the one piece of running advice that gets your through tough spots on a run or race?
I'm a follower!! : )
I was reading your post where you showed your before and after photos, and you said you're a size 2 and 150 pounds. I was just curious as to how tall you are. 150 is my "wedding weight" that I keep trying to get back to, but I wasn't a 2. Just curious!
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