Saturday, March 6, 2010

just saying hi ...

You've missed me, haven't you? I know. It's OK. I'm awesome and your reaction is completely expected.

I just wanted to give you your fix and provide you with a quick update.

1. Disney is awesome. We are having a blast and it has been worth every penny. I always thought Disney was cool, but it is a thousand times better when you can experience it with your children.

2. Look at what I found ...

That's right. CHEETAH EARS!! God, am I going to look cute in those and my cheetah skirt or what?

3. 12 hrs from now, I will be starting the race. From Corral A. The same corral as the elites. Which makes me an elite by default.

4. Remember when I said that my kids do some pretty absurd things? Well as I was typing this, Doodle ran out of the bathroom with no pants on. Smiled at me. And said, "Hi. I'm pooping!" Great, Doodle. Thanks for the update. Now go back and wipe your butt ...

5. Finally, you all have been busy the past 4 days. My google reader had 228 posts (needless to say, I won't be reading or commenting on most of them) AND I hit 100 followers while I was gone. Amy at Push Me ... I need you! was the big one zero zero. And for that Amy gets a special gift from me. So, email me with your contact info and I will send you a little something when I get back.


Unknown said...

Yes! I totally missed your awesomeness, thanks for checking in. The cheetah ears are "the bomb," please give a pair away when you return! Have a great race!!

Unknown said...

Have a great run. Instead of doing the Disney Princess, I'm playing Snow Princess up here - running a half marathon in Burlington, Canada.

Momma Twitch said...

Cute ears! Have fun at the race!!

kilax said...

I love the Cheetah Ears! And the story about Doodle.

Have fun tomorrow, elite ;)

Steel Springs said...

Good luck tomorrow! I'm glad you're having a great time with the kids. Those cheetah ears are awesome!

Badgergirl said...

Love the ears! Good luck tomorrow!

ajh said...

Can't wait to see pics with the cheetah ears. Have a blast.

Teamarcia said...

Cheetah ears--now you can definitely psyche out the rest of the elites in your corral! Enjoy!

MJ said...

Love the cheetah ears!!! You're going to be a hot runner out there. :) Enjoy the beautiful weather!

Anne said...

Elite corral! ...very impressive :)
Love the ears and love the Doodle story...have a great race!

Kerrie said...

Good luck tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

have a great run! love the ears!

Hannah said...

Yayyyyyy Disney! Have a wonderful day/run tomorrow! So exciting!

Jenn said...

So glad you're having a great time! You're gonna do awesome tomorrow. I see sub 2 all the way! Good Luck!

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

I have missed you! Those ears are perfect! Congrats on 100.. And good luck today!

~ Jill said...

the ears may quite possibly push you under the 2 hour barrier! have fun out there and run happy!

Tricia said...

that picture is too cute!

Jameson said...

All things animal print, specifically feline are epic. cheetah ears=win.

Sarah said...

Sounds like a great time and I love the ears! Good luck on your run!!

Marlene said...

Congrats on 100 followers!

Glad you're loving Disney (AWESOME CHEETAH EARS).

Hope you had a great race!

Anonymous said...

so glad you are having a good time. we are disney fanatics, we go several times a year. We just love it! Hope you had FUN at the race!

H Love said...

Glad you stopped by! My fam is addicted to Disney. Went every summer as child, incorporated it into our honeymoon and went last summer with the kids. Just got a named her Minnie!

I would love to run a half there....I can't wait to hear all about it. Good luck on your can do it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I am proud to be #100!

Karen Seal said...

I hope the race went well! :0) I thought about everyone who was running on Saturday! Can't wait to hear about it!

April said...

Can't wait to hear all about your race!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are having a great time! Hope your race went well!