Tuesday, March 2, 2010

and I'm out ...

We leave for Disney tonight. If things go according to plan, in five short days I will have my first blogger meet up (so excited) and will be on my way to a 1:59:59.

I may or may not be updating and checking in from Florida. This is our family vacation after all. But, my kids go to bed super early and I might have some downtime. We'll see. No promises.

What I will promise is some exciting stuff when I return ... recaps (of both the race and vacation varieties), pictures, a GIVEAWAY, maybe some details about my CRAZY plan for 2011 (yeah, I'm already working on next year's goals), and who knows what else, my kids have been known to do some absurd things ...


Emily said...

Woot woot! Kick BUTT! I can not wait to hear about how much you rock this run!

Erica said...

go Mama!! go TMB!! rock out disney, let them know what hit umm...Can't wait to hear all about it!

Sarah said...

Good luck!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Jen Feeny said...

Girl you are going to do GREAT! I can't wait for the recap! Enjoy my home town while I'm gone, I wish so bad I had a chance to meet up with you too!!! Dream strong and run fast!

saundra said...

Good luck! I know you are going to rock it this weekend. Enjoy your vacation!

Libby said...

Yay yay yay!! I'm getting super excited to meet and cheer you on!

Val said...

You will do fine! I will be sending you positive vibes and can't wait to hear all about it!

Unknown said...

Have a great time!!!! I'm a huge disney person and I hope to get down there for the Princess eventually (maybe next year!!!)

April said...

Woo HOO!!!! Have fun!! I'm so excited for you! You will Rock it!!!

Marlene said...

Have a wonderful vacation and good luck at the race!

Anonymous said...

good luck...have lots of fun! can't wait til you get back and give us all the details.

Anonymous said...

Good luck! Have fun!

Allie said...

Good luck and I hope you have a blast, can't wait for the race report.

Carly said...

Good luck! Hope you have a great time!

Aron said...

have a great race and have LOTS of fun!!!

Running Diva Mom said...

See you very soon!!! Can't wait!

Momma Twitch said...

HAVE FUN!! You're going to do great!! I can't wait to hear how it goes.:)

Anonymous said...

good luck in disney! hope it's warmer than it was for me at the disney half in January!

Judi said...

Enjoy your vacation and race!

Steel Springs said...

Good luck! Have a wonderful time vacationing and running.

ajh said...

Have fun fun fun! I am jealous of the bloggy meet up!

MJ said...

woohoo!!! I wish I was far enough in training to run this race, but I'll just have to live vicariously through you!!! Have a blast!! :)

Jocelyn said...

kick butt at Disney! Sound be a lot of fun!
PS thanks for your nice comment on my blog

kilax said...

Yay! I bet you will get in under 1:59:59!!! :)

HC said...

Good luck and have fun!

Jill said...

Woohoooo!! Have an muy excellente race, RUN STRONG!

Anonymous said...

Good luck at the Princess! I am so jealous. It is definitely on my dream-race list. I can't wait to read your race review!
p.s. I'm your 100 follower! Congrats!

misszippy said...

Have a great time and a great race! I hope the weather warms up down there!

Anne said...

Yay! I just know you're rockin' this race as I write :)
Can't wait to read all about it!