OK. I'm back. And would you look at that, I'm just in time for the latest edition of "Three Things Thursday" ...
1. Our family vacation was FANTASTIC (full recap with LOTS of pictures is in the works). Getting back to reality is not so fantastic. I have a laundry list of things to do, which includes a heck of a lot of laundry. We have ZERO food in the house. I need to catch up on all the things I didn't keep up with for the last nine days. I MUST unpack. And we have guests arriving tonight. Oh, and did I mention that the only one in the house that isn't crazy sick is J? Fan-flippin'-tastic! I get to put our life back in order with a monster headache, a nasty cough and three snot-faced little ones crying at my feet. Life doesn't get much better than this ...
2. Thanks to the illness that is rocking my world, I think that this week is going to be a recovery week. I ran four miles on Tuesday and had been planning on four to six tonight, five on Saturday and 11 on Sunday. Right now, I'm not sure if that is going to happen. I might just wait until Saturday and run five and then do a longer run on Sunday. I've heard that if you are sick and it is located from your shoulders up (like a head cold), then go ahead and run. But if it is in your chest, don't. I usually run when I am sick, but I usually don't have a cough either. Not quite sure what to do about this one ...
3. Thanks to Katye, I do not have to purchase race photos from the Princess half. She grabbed this one from the website.
Sweet, right? And although I knew I was having my picture taken, I was genuinely having that much fun ...

Congrats on finishing the half! I think you seserve some rest! :-)
Sorry everybody's sick! It's so hard with little ones.
Awesome pic!
Great picture - I think that should be your new header picture!
love your race outift! can't wait to hear more about it. So sorry yalla re sick. we leave for disney SUNDAY!
Ugh! I'm sick, too :( And with the same thing - I might have given it to you over bloggy world even though we are about 3K miles away, sorry! It's a nasty one, too! Hope you feel better!
Love that photo!
Holy Cuteness!! Love that photo. Hope you feel better ASAP, and the fam too.
Great photo!
I love the yellow outfit! Yellow rocks. Hope you get back to the routine soon.
Coming back from vacation is the WORST. Good luck getting back into the swing and I hope everyone is healthy!
AWESOME photo!
Sorry you and the family aren't feeling well but at least you have a super cute picture of yourself, seriously, what a great pic.
Love the picture, love the outfit! Get well soon....I am right there with you, been under the weather all week.
YUCK! Sick kids are bad. Sick kids plus sick Mom is even worse. (Though health kids and sick Mom is rough, too!) Hope you are all 100% very soon!
I love the race photo! How adorable are you?! I love the JOY in your body language and facial expression!
Love that race photo! It looks like you had an amazing time!
In the meantime, get well, Miss TMB. I hope everyone feels better soon.
Hope you all feel better real soon!!
Rockin race photo lady! You look buff and happy :)
sorry your feeling bad...glad your back holy yellow mama you look awesome!
Hope you and your little ones feel better soon!!!
Great picture!!You look fantastic!!
That is a great pic!!! You look like the poster woman for the Princess half :)
Hope you feel better soon...
I LOVE the picture, you are just so cute in all that yellow! Hope you're feeling better soon!
Love that picture! I wish I had legs like that :-)
Feel better soon! Must be time for a rest!
What a great picture! Way to enjoy a race totally!
Wow you look so fit in that picture! Hope you get it all under control though my anxiety level went up a notch when you said guests were coming-YIKES!
What an awesome picture. You look like you were having a fantastic time!
Amazing pic! I am with you with the sickness. If it's above the neck and you feel up for it, go ahead, if not, I would take it easy for a day or two.
Love the picture! Hope your household starts feeling better. Glad you had a fun vacation.
I'm totally having a hard running week...not feeling it is the problem. Seems like there are a few of us in bloggy land with the same feelings. Hope it gets better.
Awesome picture!! Hope everyone feels better soon!
Adorable pic! Glad you had a good time. I loved the race too, it was my first half. The kids reaction up there was priceless!!
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